KUALA TERENGGANU: Proses pengundian telah ditutup tetapi pusat mengundi di Gong Kapas (Sek Keb Gong Kapas) masih panas apabila kedua-dua penyokong parti yang bertanding enggan bersurai.
Sejak jam 5.00 petang sejurus waktu pengundian ditutp sehingga 6.00 petang, sekurang-kurangnya tiga kekecohan lagi berlaku antara kedua-dua penyokong yang saling tolak-menolak dan hampir mencetuskan perkelahian.

Kekecohan pada jam lima petang berpunca daripada sebuah kereta proton Waja berwarna biru gelap yang mempamerkan lambang Barisan Nasional dan wajah calonnya, Datuk Wan Farid Wan Salleh didapati cuba memasuki pusat pengundian yang baru sahaja kira-kira seminit ditutup.
Beberapa petugas PAS telah menahan kereta yang dinaiki dua orang lelaki dan seorang perempuan untuk menyoal siasat kerana mengesyaki sesuatu yang tidak kena.
Ekoran itu, kedua-dua penyokong telah menyerbu ke arah kereta tersebut sehingga menimbulkan ketegangan sebelum disuraikan oleh polis dan pasukan keselamatan parti masing-masing.

"Sekurang-kurangnya dua kesalahan telah dilakukan, pertama kereta ada lambang BN dan kedua mana boleh ejen tempat mengundi masuk selepas waktu pengundian ditutup," kata seorang petugas ditempat kejadian yang ditemui.
Polis terpaksa meminta kenderaan tersebut beredar ekoran suasana semakin tegang setelah campur tangan daripada penyokong-penyokong parti masing-masing.
Ahli jawatankuasa PAS, Dr mariah Mahmood yang berada ditempat kejadian dilihat bekerja keras untuk menenangkan para penyokongnya.
Sejurus selepas itu, Pesuruhjaya PAS Terengganu, Datuk Mustafa Ali bersama Wan Mutalib Embong dan Hanifa Maidin turut hadir untuk menenangkan penyokong dan mendapatkan penjelasan daripada SPR.
Pihak polis kemudiannya memperkuatkan kawalan keselamatan mereka dengan menambah kira-kira puluhan lagi anggota ke lokasi berkenaan
Pihak polis kemudiannya memperkuatkan kawalan keselamatan mereka dengan menambah kira-kira puluhan lagi anggota ke lokasi berkenaan
Tidak lama selepas itu, kekecohan berlaku lagi apabila seorang penyokong BN mendakwa dipukul oleh penyokong PAS.
Para penyokong BN mula mendekati penyokong PAS yang berada diseberang jalan tempat mereka berkumpul sehingga berlaku tolak menolak dan melempar botol air minuman sebelum campur tangan pihak polis.

Petugas PAS bagaimanapun berjaya mententeramkan panyokongnya supaya tidak melayan sebarang provokasi manakala polis terpaksa menahan seorang penyokong BN yang berkelakuan berang kerana mendakwa telah dipukul oleh penyokong PAS dan mahu mengajak penyokong PAS bertumbuk.
mmg sungguh biadap sikap penyokong PR ni yg tak hormat proses piliharaya.Kebiadapan penyokong PR ni mmg dididik oleh pemimpin PR.
BN@ UMNO tak tahu undang undang...dah tutup masuk buat apa?...REEETI?
Insya Allah...
Majoriti 2000 lebih..
Ya Dzal Jalali wal Ikrom..berilah kemenangan demi daawahMU...
Unofficial: PAS wins KT
mlm ni x nk dtg ke majlis tahlil arwah kat kt ke...(agk2 la akn diadakan )
bkn apa sbgai tanda simpati...duit bnyk habis, melalak dh siang mlm...tpi result hampeh gak.....
2. tlg kira ek, brapa ibu negeri lgi kita tak tawan...bkn apa ada sstengah tu cakap parti org kg...rasanya ibu negara dan hampir keseluruhan ibunegeri kita dh miliki.....
Alhamdulillah,kemenangan milik Allah dianugerahkan kepada kita semua.
esok kita cerita dari sudut statistik dan maknanya Kayu Ukur ini,InshaAllah.
kita rai kan kemenangan dengan kesabaran,kesyukuran,ketenangan.
Amanah bakal menunggu kita.
ganjaran kemenangan seterusnya juga bakal menunggu kita.
Alhamdulillah..Allah beri kemenangan dengan HidayahNya...
Bertakbirlah..Bertahmidlah...Sujudlah untuk kesyukuran...
Dan Iradahnya.
Alhamdulillah, hanya itu yang mampu aku ucapkan.
terasa hari ini begitu indah berbanding hari2 yg lain dii tahun baru ini....tanpa kita sedari, hati dan air mata kita menangis tanda kesyukuran pd Illahi...
Terima kasih Tuhanku, terima kasih para pimpinan, rakan-rakan PR, para petugas, para pengundi, admin siasah, rakan2 blogers, tmn2 dari umno dan barisan nasional...
- yg tewas jgn menangis, simpan sahaja tangisan itu kerana selepas ini kamu akan terus menangis dan menangis lagi....
PAS menang hahahhahahahahhah.....
Bodoh BN, ternyata org sume makin makin bebulu dgn lu.. Ptuuiihhhh...!!!
PAS memenangi PRK P036 dengan majoriti 2,631 undi.
Bukti majoriti rakyat KT menolak BN. BN sudah tidak relevan.
Perjuangan BN tidak berkesan (Matlamat tidak tercapai) dan tidak cekap(banyak pembaziran).
( Kata-kata Prof. Dr Nik Wan bin Omar,Dekan fakulti Pengurusan UDM)
tahniah pas sebab menang...
pada pak wahid dapatlah memberi khidmat seperti yang diharap oleh rakyat.
apapun...jangan lupa ya pak...
jatuh cinta lagi...lagi lagi ku jatuh cinta...
zali nanti jatuh cinta kat parti dia lak.
'Hari ini kita telah dimuliakan Allah dengan islam,jika kita meninggalkan islam pasti Allah menghina kita sehina2 nya' TAKBIRRRRR.....!!!!!!
apa pun, kita belum menang...
lepas ni calon bn nak keja apa ye? jadi pencacai umno la gamaknya
Tiada ertinya berjuang bersandarkan pada bangsa kerana perjuangan bangsa adalah sia-sia dan tidak berkekalan.
Saya cuma bersimpati dgn Najib, PM dalam pembikinan. Tewas 2 kali dgn majoriti yg besar bukan sesuatu yg mudah utk ditelan. Tewas dua kali dgn majoriti besar dlm tempoh 5 bulan, malunya! Di mana nak letak muka? Letak muka di dada Rosmah pun tak jadi apa kini.
Maknanya jaring gol BN dah masuk 2 gol, dah jadi 2-0.
Penulis sukan Berita Harian, Utusan Malaysia dan TV3 tak nak nasihatkan Pengurus BN FC letak jawatan ke? Maluuuu....
apalah yg ada dgn anak pak wahid, bertudung lagi...dia rasanya tak berapa sesuai dgn saudara,
baik saudara pilih anak si parit....kelas lagi, anggun pun ada, penuh seksi dan bergaya tau...sesuai dgn ideologi dan jiwa saudara...
tgk wajah anak pak wahid manis dan lawa tapi zali...islam lagi manis dari segalanya jika saudara dh mula jatuh cinta padanya..
lagi-lagi ku jatuh kuda.....
esok cuti la kita sbb PAS menang,hehe
tahniah PAS di atas kemenangan ini..ternyata gelombang PRU12 dan Permatang Pauh sampai ke Kuala Terengganu pula..Syukur Alhamdulillah. Saya dah berkata dahulu dlm salah satu ruangan komen bahawa khabar angin kononnya berlaku dlm PAS adalah dusta belaka. Jutaan terima kasih juga kepada seluruh warga Pakatan Rakyat yang berjuang tanpa mengenal putus asa dlm pilihan raya kali ini, walaupun dihujani dgn propaganda BN melalui media2 mereka. Syabas sekali lagi.
pasti ramai beeEnd dh berdenyut jantungnya kini...
nasib baik la ijn di batalkan penswataannya. ops..tangguh lebih tepat....kalau tak kesian pd penyokong beeEnd yg trpaksa berhutang keliling pinggang nk berubat di ijn.....yg x der duit tunggu pesuruh Tuhan dtg jemput jer la yer...
Suasana di bandar Kuala Terengganu sungguh meriah,warga terengganu asyik melaungkan takbir dengan kemenangan pas,JEM teruk,tapi seronak,luar dari kebiasaan.biasa malam2 mcm ni suasana sunyi
kopiah hijau....
bakar jer terus..jgn sampai tertinggal....habuknya buang dekat isreal...jgn buang kt malaysia...x sesuai...
hehe,dari pagi td aku lihat budak2 muda setiap seorang pegang bendera PAS samada bawa motor dan kereta,....tapi yang aku pelik kenapa la TV1 ulas pengundi muda tak sokong PAS dan semuanya tak datang mengundi sbb duduk jauh...ini satu perbohongan yang besar.
sbg anak jati terengganu,aku paling gembira dan bersyukur sbb Allah telah beri kemenangan yang cukup bernilai buat pendokong2 agama islam.mak aku semenjak dr hari pemilihan calon sampai petang td tak putus2 berkempen jd peraih undi pergi ke rumah2,besarnya pengorbanan mak,tak minta apa2 pun balasan samada wang ringgit atau harta,cuma niat d hati KERANA MAHU KEREDHOAN ALLAH TAALA
dalam kegembiraan ini,saya tidak dapat melupakan kesedihan menimpa TKO.
Hikmahnya disisi Allah.
sunyi la mlm ni....mungkin kerana !!!
yg munafik dh ditelan neraka,
yg mursyid hilang tasbihnya,
yg tinggi di awan, jatuh dan tercedera,
yg bernama hilang entah kemana,
yg animal lari ke hutan tempatnya,
yg bernegeri , gugur janin agaknya,
yg berkeris meroyan hampir gila,
yg berahsia, diserang virus agaknya...
yg uncle tercabut gelangnya...
yg pendokong bermuram durja...
yg sanggang relek dan ceria,
yg ipoh gembira sentiasa,
yg alim bersyukur kehadratnya,
yg bernombor happylah hendaknya..
yg melati mewangilah kita,
yg berkopiah, bahagialah jiwa,
yg pendekar, kamu juga wira,
yg naik ke bulan teruskan usaha
yg blogers kita, terima kasih hendaknya,
yg anak pak wahid, biarkan ku urus sahaja...........
Nampaknya isu hudud yang dihina dan diburuk oleh org BN yg mengaku islam tak berkesan. pi balik tido la najid kt PEKAN nun
baru rasa lega.
baru boleh senyum sorang2.
nikmat sungguh
Malaysia's cabinet approves a low-cost air terminal to help out a political ally.
With barely three months until March when Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is due to relinquish his office, he has approved a project that reeks of an attempt to salvage the profitability of conglomerate Sime Darby and to further buoy the country’s budget airline, AirAsia, which is controlled by a Badawi ally, Tony Fernandes.
Over the objections of listed Malaysia Airports Bhd, which operates the current Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang and 38 other airports around the country, and which is also building a new permanent low-cost carrier terminal to replace its current facility, Sime Darby and AirAsia have been given the green light by the government to construct a new terminal in Labu, Negeri Sembilan, about 50km from Kuala Lumpur, and 10 km from KL International.
The new airport, “KLIA-East@Labu”, which will be part of Sime’s Negeri Sembilan Vision City, is reportedly estimated to cost RM1.6 bil (US$452 mil), excluding land costs, and will span 2,800 hectares in the home state of Khairy Jamaluddin, Badawi’s controversial son-in-law and a member of parliament. There is no indication whether government or public money will be used indirectly for the project, or who will pay for government facilities including highways and connections to the new airport. AirAsia said in a statement on Jan. 8 that the airline is negotiating with international and domestic investors to fund the construction of the proposed facility.
This hardly the first time that a company has been awarded lucrative contracts under the Barisan Nasional, the ruling coalition that has dominated the country for half a century. It is the kind of crony capitalism that had been practiced for two decades by Badawi’s predecessor, Mahathir Mohamad, and that Badawi had vowed to stamp out when he became prime minister in 2003.
It is also the second major airport project linked to Khairy. Last March, Fajarbaru Builder Group Bhd, formerly known as Syarikat Pembenaan Fajar Baru (Rembau) Sdn Bhd, won a RM124 million contract to expand the current low-budget terminal at Sepang. Wee Choo Keong, a parliamentarian for Kuala Lumpur, pointed out in July in parliament that the company is based in the constituency of "someone's son-in-law” and had no experience in building airports.
When Sepang was completed in 1998, then-Prime Minister Mahathir said the facility was designed to last 100 years and would be able to accommodate 125 million passengers a year. Expansion plans forecast two terminals, four satellites and five runways. The airport company was supposed to have completed an extension to the current low-cost carrier terminal at Sepang 16 months ago. However, only the international arrival hall for low-cost carriers is finished. Fernandes has argued that the terminal won’t be ready for his use before 2014, and is too late to keep up with the airline’s passenger growth.
Bernama, the national news agency, reported on January 8 that Fernandes said that “in two years' time, this airline will go bust if we do not have the facility” and that “the key thing is we cannot slow down our growth because we have bought planes.” AirAsia’s third quarter results in September marked core operating losses of RM76 million, mainly due to a fuel hedging policy which gambled that crude oil would hover around US$70 per barrel. Crude is now lingering around US$40 per barrel.
AirAsia has cited the inability of the existing LCCT’s 10 million passengers per year capacity to meet demand as a reason for building the new airport. Passenger traffic was expected to grow by 25 percent by the end of 2008, from 15 million to 19 million, and forecast to grow at the same rate this year, Fernandes told local media. The current low-cost terminal’s increased capacity after expansion to 15 million passengers per year falls short of AirAsia’s requirements, Transport Minister Ong Tee Keat told local media.
After construction, Sime will pass the “whole project including the land” to AirAsia. It’s unclear who will operate the airport and how much additional government funds will be required to operate the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine departments at the airport, among other things.
When completed in 2011, the proposed new airport will exclusively serve AirAsia. Other low cost carriers will use a RM108 million terminal located about 20km away from KLIA, which was hastily constructed in June 2005 and was operational by March 2006.
KLIA-East@Labu may be the boon that Sime needs to weather the fall in commodity prices. Last month, Sime Darby proposed to buy and privatize the National Heart Centre, which is wholly owned by the Ministry of Finance, but that was met by fierce objections from the public, particularly from bloggers and others who argued that Sime Darby wanted access to the heart center’s cash reserve, estimated at RM250 million.
After Sime Darby’s takeover of plantation giants Golden Hope Plantations Bhd and Kumpulan Guthrie Bhd in Nov 2007, the conglomerate became the world's leading oil palm plantation group with 543,000 hectares of land relying heavily on palm oil, which contributed 47 percent of revenue at that time.
Since then, CPO has dived from about RM3,000 per tonne to about RM1,800. The futures market also suggests a downward trend. The conglomerate announced recently that profits would fall by 46 percent for the current fiscal year and is said by bloggers to be facing oil palm trading losses of RM80 million. According to its first quarter results in September last year, plantation revenue at RM3,491 mil contributed 40 percent of total revenue, and the average CPO selling price was RM3,151 per tonne. Other major revenue-generating arms – construction and cars – are set to crunch under sharply reduced global demand.
All this has caught the eye of the ever vigilant Mahathir, who delivered a caustic critique of the airport project on his widely-read blog, Che Det.
“We paid RM8 billion for KLIA Sepang,” Mahathir wrote. “Even a small airport at today's prices would be near to RM2 billion. The distance to Kuala Lumpur would be longer but of course it would be nearer Seremban and other parts in Negri Sembilan,” he wrote on Jan 6 in his blog. “But that's all right as you don't pay any fare for the flights, only for the fares to the airport.”
Currently, a taxi ride from Kuala Lumpur to KL International costs about RM86. From the main station in Kuala Lumpur, KL Sentral, an adult ticket on the Express Rail Link costs RM35 while a ticket to the low-cost terminal costs another RM9.
Despite a glum global economy, Fernandez remains upbeat about AirAsia’s future. By 2013, he told reporters, estimated combined annual traffic of the AirAsia group, which includes AirAsia X, its international fleet, would total 60 million passengers per year, making “only Japan Airlines…bigger than us (them) in terms of passengers” while the group’s fleet would have 184 aircraft, more than Singapore Airlines and Thai Airlines combined and Malaysia Airline’s estimated fleet of 125 aircraft.
AirAsia, says Wikipedia, was originally a debt-ridden airline founded by DRB-Hicom in 1993 and started operations in 1996. It was sold to Fernandez in 2001 for a token sum of RM1 (about US$0.28 in today’s exchange rates). He turned a profit by the next year and the company now has shares in regional affiliated companies, Thai AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia, and international budget carrier, Air Asia X, in which Richard Branson’s Virgin Group owns 16 percent.
AirAsia’s share price has dived 44 percent year-on-year on Jan 8 from RM1.620 to a low RM0.900. Its market capitalization is RM2 billion.
Malaysia's ruling coalition sets out to buy a by-election.
In a daring bid to bribe the electorate of Malaysia’s Kuala Terengganu constituency, Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak dished out 583 government contracts on January 10 in a “lucky draw” to every small Malay contractor present at the town’s state secretariat building.
The government of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is in a no-holds-barred fight to hold the seat against a resurgent opposition in a January 17 by-election. It became vacant when Razali Ismail, who represented the United Malays National Organisation, died suddenly in November. It is the second by-election since disastrous national elections last March that cost the government its two-thirds majority for the first time since Malaysia became a nation. The first, in Penang, was won resoundingly by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim. Badawi himself is expected to quit as prime minister after internal UMNO elections in March, having been forced out by critics within the party. Although loss of the constituency to the opposition would not affect the balance of power in the Dewan Rakyat, or parliament, loss of another seat would be regarded by party stalwarts as a severe blow.
Although support for the governing Barisan Nasional and the fundamentalist Parti Islam se-Malaysia is said to be split about evenly, UMNO insiders are extremely concerned that Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh, a former deputy home minister, a close Badawi ally, is a weak candidate.
The contracts described by Najib, valued at RM30,000 to RM 200,000 US$8,400-US$56,000) each, claimed to be for infrastructure works in the local township, were distributed at random by having the contractor to come to the stage to click on a computer. Upon pressing the button, a contract would be awarded, details of which would instantly appear in a big screen in the hall. Thus the contractor would walk home with his “prize” (a contract with a pre-determined price), with no questions asked on his track record or suitability for the works assigned.
Najib, who launched these innovative awards, claimed this “a world record”, saying that “In this lucky draw, everyone wins. Every one gets a contract.” He further added that if the Barisan wins in the coming Kuala Terengganu by-election, there would be more and bigger such contracts, so that the Class F contractors (confined to Malays, for small contracts) would “continue to make money and the country’s economy would continue to grow.
A Kuala Lumpur-based political activist close to UMNO disputed the account, saying the award of contracts was nothing new. The contracts, he said, are for local businessmen to build roads, schools and other infrastructure during a time of worsening economic conditions. The procedure, he said, was done for transparency. But, he added, “it’s definitely for the elections as well.”
But while Najib may be entitled to claim he has scored “the world’s first” for having satisfied every one of the hundreds of contractors present, few can share his pride over such a bizarre method of disposing government infrastructure projects. For a start, infrastructure works contracts are usually awarded gradually over a period of time, as and when the needs for such works arises, as determined and initiated by the engineers and the local authorities. These contracts are never awarded in a torrent of hundreds within a single day anywhere in the world. Granted that this may be part of the stimulus package announced earlier to counter current economic hardship, there is no possible justification to cram such a staggering number projects in one go, especially when these are confined in a small township like Kuala Terengganu. Needless to say, massive waste and redundancies will be the inevitable consequences.
Then, what about the track records and skill compatibility of the contractors with respect to the projects at hand? Without proper interview and scrutiny of the awardees, how can the government be certain that the projects are awarded to the right contractors?
Next, there is the question of price. Without tenders or negotiation, how can the government ensure fair pricing? In fact, over-generous pricing is expected, or else Najib would not have said: “I see everyone present here is jubilant and clapping his hands, every one has got a government contract, how can they be not grateful to the government and not strongly support Barisan Nasional?” (Sin Chew, Jan 11)
For this move, the Barisan was promptly condemned by the National Institute of Electoral Integrity as abusing government machinery to dish out financial benefits during an election campaign. But it is but one of an endless series of similar monetary inducements amounting to tens of millions of ringgit in the form of cash payments and allocations handed out by the Barisan in the Kuala Terengganu constituency since the runup to polling.
On the same day (Jan 10) as Najib handed out the “lucky draw”, he also handed out RM8 million to 20 religious schools, which are mainly located in Terengganu state. Recognizing the minority 8,787 Chinese votes -- 11 percent of the total -- as pivotal in this election, the Chinese community has been bombarded almost daily with allocations and cash payments totaling no less than RM12 million, such as:
RM3.3 million for construction of a new community hall.
RM2.8 million for furbishing a completed hall in a Chinese school.
RM3 million for 10 Chinese schools
RM2.7 million cash distribution to 9,000 Chinese for the coming Chinese New year (this annual payment was brought forward to reap the goodwill of Chinese electorate for the coming poll).
Miscellaneous payments to temples, guilds and other communal bodies.
All these financial bonanzas, handed out within the few days since nominations on January 5, are clearly intended to induce voters to vote in favour of the BN candidate, and therefore could be construed to constitute “bribery” as defined in paragraph 10 of the Election Offences Act 1954, for which the culprits are punishable as prescribed in paragraph 11 of the same act.
The election commission under the new chairman Abdul Aziz Yusof, who vowed to ensure a clean and fair election, has remained silent, as has the newly formed Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), which prides itself as a replica of the famed Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong,.
Such a monetary assault on the electorate, combined with the daily brainwashing by the Barisan’s propaganda machines, also known as the mainstream media (local newspapers and TV channels), has once again made a complete mockery of our election as cornerstone of a democratic system of government.
With all the institutions tasked to uphold the rule of law either unwilling or incapable of fulfilling their constitutional roles, it is now left to the 80,000 voters of Kuala Terengganu to play as guardians to uphold justice and democracy by disciplining the wayward ruling party with a negative vote.
In this connection, it is heartening to take note of how neighboring Kelantan has valiantly fought off similar assaults by UMNO/BN for the past two decades. Under the corruption-free administration of PAS, the people of Kelantan, who are almost completely Malay Muslims, have successfully overcome persistent coercion and temptation presented by the UMNO/BN federal government through abuse of federal authority and improper monetary inducement. No doubt, their devotion to Islam, which abhors corruption as a grave sin, must have been an important factor that contributes to their moral courage.
Will the Terengganu Muslim constituents, who form 88 percent of the Kuala Terengganu electorate, prove to have the same moral strength as their Kelantan brothers? And will the minority Chinese constituents gaze beyond the immediate monetary gains to vote for change – a change that would mean the rejection of a defunct political power and one step closer to turning a new leaf for the nation?
Coming at a time of power transition following the political tsunami of the 2008 elections, the outcome of this by-election will have a significant impact on the country’s political development. It is therefore earnestly hoped that the people of the constituency will rise to the occasion to make the right choice for the nation.
Pok Katak bila nak letak jawatan YB utk Parlimen Pasir Mas, Kito rakyat pasir mas .... doh lapar nok pitih, mcm ganu ...jugok. Rumah buruk disewa RM7,000 utk 2 minggu oleh BN...Kami dah buat keranda utk Ibrahim Ali
' dan mereka lakukan pelbagai tipu daya dan ingin menipu daya Allah pada hal Allah sebaik2 tipu daya (akan kenakan ke atas mereka)'
awak2 pencacai politik kepartian yg dungu saja tidak mahu menerima hakikat bahawa akan berlalunya era kejahatan dan akan timbulnya kebaikan...
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